Build Peace Now

Action on environment in crisis and catastrophe requires data analysis, data, advocacy and practical action. This holy trinity underpins our mission to protect, connect and support nature and communities in the hardest places.

Resilient and grounded communities can withstand the challenges of climate crisis, poverty, nature loss, famine, and political and economic instability. 

We add value because our expertise is serving people affected by environmental harm and conflict. Normal resilience of traditional communitities is out of kilter, if an area has been impacted by war, and famine or other shocks. Assisting those affected by active conflict and endemic violence, creates more durable solutions to support stability.  

Special Program Ukraine 2022-2024
We have dedicated expertise and resources in working with the Ukrainian government, civil society, and universities to lay the groundwork for a brave new Ukraine, peaceful, prosperous and biodiversity-rich. This special program is actively seeking collaboration, and support. Get in touch.